Special Veterans Appreciation and GDF Presentation at Viera HS Football Game

09/16/2022 06:00 PM - 10:00 PM ET


Viera High School Stadium
6103 Stadium Pkwy
Melbourne, FL 32940



Friday Nights Football Game which is also has pre-game check presentation from Good Deeds Foundation representing ALL JROTC and Cadet Programs ($32,700, incl Viera) and a ceremony to honor veterans and first responders at halftime.


All Veterans meet at the East Gate of Stadium NLT 1830

All Vets and families get in Free

Pre Game Check at 1845

Halftime Vet Appreciation Ceremony about 2000 after 1900 kick off

Please help spread the word to others. The event is in all the calendars as of 06 Sep, so hopefully many others have taken note.

Here is Tim’s latest note, especially focused for RTFL-1: Here is the flyer to send out to Veterans groups about Viera High School’s Patriots Night game. We need all Veterans to arrive NLT 6:30 so they are there in time to see the check presentation from Donn Weaver and Sheriff Ivey to the LTC Thomas on behalf of all the JROTC programs in Brevard County. I would also like to have one of the Rolling Thunder members who is attending to meet with me tomorrow afternoon so I can show him where we want all the Rolling Thunder motorcycles to park. That Rolling Thunder Parking area is on both sides of the access road behind the East Endzone. I have attached a satellite photo of the route into the parking area off Fran Jameson. The Rolling Thunder members will go through the East endzone gate to gain access into the stadium.


Neon CRM by Neon One