OVAHCS to Host Summer VetFest PACT Act Event

08/22/2024 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM ET


Wickham Park Community Center
2815 Leisure Way
Melbourne, FL 32935



OVAHCS to Host Summer VetFest PACT Act Event at

Wickham Park Community Center
Thursday, August 22, 2024


Orlando, Fla. — The Orlando VA Healthcare System (OVAHCS) will host a Summer VetFest/PACT Act event on Thursday, August 22, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the Wickham Park Community Center located at 2815 Leisure Way, Melbourne, Florida 32935. Ample parking for the event will be available on site at the Wickham Park Community Center.

Veterans Benefit Claims Assistance, Eligibility and Enrollment Services, toxic exposure screenings, outreach tables with free giveaways and more will be available to all who attend. Additionally, Mr. Timothy J. Cooke, OVAHCS Director/CEO will be onsite to speak with Veterans. Appointments to speak with the Director can be made by emailing your name and contact information vhaorlpublicaffairs@va.gov. Someone will return your email with an available time slot for your session.

For planning purposes, event organizers kindly request your RSVP here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WZXL2ZQ

PACT Act Summer VetFest is just one component of the VA’s nationwide PACT Act Veteran outreach campaign, which is the largest coordinated outreach campaign in VA history.


To learn more about the facilities and services offered by the OVAHCS, please visit: VA Orlando Health Care | Veterans Affairs, subscribe to receive email updates by clicking here, like us on Facebook at: Orlando VA Healthcare System | Facebook, follow us on Instagram at: Orlando VA Healthcare System (@ovahcs) • Instagram photos and videos or on Twitter at: @OVAHCS / Twitter




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U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration

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Sent to michael.schroeder@yahoo.com on behalf of US Department of Veterans Affairs
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