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President’s Perspective & Announcements (COL Steve Bond, USA (Ret))
President’s Perspective
COL Steve Bond, USA (Ret)
Wishing all of you a wonderful Independence Day Weekend!
As we move into July and the “Dog Days of Summer”, I want to stress communication. A primary reason we exist as a chapter is to be a responsible, informed, and organized group acting in the interests of the serving military, veterans, and their families. One of the things this chapter does well is to provide information to our members. We have numerous ways we reach out to keep you informed. Just a few short years ago, we relied primarily on our printed monthly news-letter—THE INTERCOM, our website, and weekly business meetings to keep you informed. Now in addition to those tools, we have our bi-weekly FIVE THINGS e-Newsletter, our Facebook page, and occasional campaign e-mailings to push out information. We have moved on-line to increase our abilities to communicate with you. The key now is to ensure you are aware of the information and acting on it—in other words, it now depends on you!
I hope you have explored our website— It is first-class, kept up to date by Mike Schroeder, our webmaster, and offers just about anything you need to know about the chapter—be it an event or activity, another member’s contact information, or what we are doing in the community. You can RSVP and pay for events, buy chapter shirts, renew your membership, or even get ideas for summer readings on the authors webpage. Check it out--frequently!
Our monthly news-magazine THE INTERCOM, is another first-class production by editor Jeanne Weaver, her assistant Merrie Sofet, and a multitude of contributors, authors, and photographers. There are two versions of this product. The on-line version is 40+ color pages(!), while the printed version is a ‘skinnied down’ version of only 20 pages, with just four pages in color. Last month, we sent out an email asking those receiving THE INTERCOM by mail to consider stopping that and to only receive it on-line. We are doing this to reduce the costs of printing and mailing, and evolving the printed version into a marketing tool for advertisers and prospective members, as well as continuing it as an information source for our “computer challenged” members. We will continue to print and mail THE INTERCOM for the foreseeable future, but we are working now to keep from raising dues or charging extra for members desiring the printed version. I encourage all our members to view it on-line. If you are only reading the printed version, you are seeing only half of a superb product!
MOAACC FIVE THINGS is our bi-weekly e-Newsletter that is emailed out every other Monday morning, providing timely information to our members. For example, if there is something of interest coming up, we will point it out and provide a link for your convenience. If MOAA National has a hot legislative issue, we will let you know and give the link to their website as well. FIVE THINGS is an easy way to keep current on what is going on in the chapter, the community, and at MOAA National. Are you getting and reading it?
Our Facebook Page (MOAA Cape Canaveral Chapter) is another way to keep informed of chapter happenings. Tim Pishdad keeps the page updated. Currently, there are only 133 subscribers to the page, an extremely low number considering the popularity of this media. Have you joined our Facebook page?
As we all know, communication is a two-way street. Our dedicated volunteers are working diligently to keep you informed. Are you reading and acting on the information provided? If you are not receiving these products or if you have other concerns email me at
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Thursday Morning Breakfast Club (TMBC) in-person meetings are returning!
Our Thursday Morning Breakfast Club (TMBC) meetings return, in-person, at the Indian River Colony Club (IRCC) 19th Hole beginning on Thursday, July 1st. We will start at our normal, pre-COVID meeting time of 08:00 AM. We are also planning to ‘Zoom’ the meetings for those that are not able to attend in-person. Continuing to zoom the meetings is contingent on member participation. Make plans to attend, in-person or via Zoom to get up-to-date information on the chapter activities, as well as socialize with many of our members, committee chairpersons, and chapter leadership. See you there!
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