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MOAACC Meet Our Authors and Book-Fair Luncheon 21 Sep 21


For the September luncheon, we are having a special “Meet our Authors Bookfair” at The Tides Club.  The luncheon is on Tuesday, September 21st and starts at 11:30.  At the luncheon, you will have an opportunity to meet members of our Authors League.  What is our Authors League?  It is our Chapter Members that have published books.  We have an Authors League Page on our website that gives a profile of the authors and information about the books they have written.  You can also purchase their books on-line through the page.  If you or if you know of someone eligible to be a chapter member that has written a book and is interested in joining our Authors League, email us at  There is a small annual fee ($20) required to post and maintain author information on the website.  At the September Bookfair Luncheon you will have an opportunity to meet our authors, purchase their books, and find out more about them and their books.  Don’t miss this special luncheon and consider it a unique and interesting opportunity for early Christmas shopping as well!

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