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Cape Canaveral Chapter’s Advocacy in Action!


Cape Canaveral Chapter’s Advocacy in Action!

MOAACC provides grassroots-level support for MOAA legislative aims and keeps our members informed & engaged to TAKE ACTION through our weekly business meetings, Monthly Newsmagazine—The Intercom, MOAACC Five Things e-Newsletter, website—, and Facebook page.

Chair of Florida Senate Military & Veterans Committee Speaks at MOAACC Luncheon

Our August Luncheon was held at The Tides Club on Patrick Space Force Base on August 17th. Our speaker was Florida Senator Tom Wright. Sen. Wright represents Florida Senate District 14 which includes the Northern part of Brevard County and all Volusia County. He chairs the important Senate Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs, Space and Domestic Security. Sen. Wright discussed efforts to help Veterans with PTSD get alternative treatment and work to ensure the military ranges and space surrounding Military Bases in Florida are not degraded, including the over-water ranges required by the Air Force and Space Force.

At the luncheon, Chapter President COL Steve Bond, USA (Retired), thanked Sen. Wright for his commitment and work on behalf of the Military and Veteran Community and presented him with a MOAACC Certificate of Appreciation and challenge coin. COL Mike Borders, USA (Retired), the President of MOAA’s Florida Council of Chapters also attended the luncheon.

Congressman Bill Posey Veterans Advisory Council Meeting

On September 1st, Congressman Bill Posey (FL Congressional District 8) met with area Veteran-Leaders for his Veterans Advisory Council. The Council included four MOAACC Members.

The Veterans Council discussed a wide-variety of issues facing the military and veterans, including those in MOAA’s Advocacy in Action efforts—Toxic Exposure Reform, obtaining a Basic Needs Allowance for Junior Enlist Service Members, Tricare parity for young adult dependents of Service Members, Concurrent Receipt of retired and disability pay (Major Richard Star Act), and the Arlington National Cemetery expansion. They also discussed “hot button issues” facing the Congress related to the military and veterans, including the Afghanistan withdrawal; mandatory Critical Race Theory training in the military; Veteran (including Women Veteran) health care; and Addressing Sexual Harassment and Assault in the Military.


(L-R) COL Mike Borders, Diana Borders, Fla Sen. Tom Wright, COL Steve Bond, and MAJ Tim Pishdad (Co-Chair MOAACC Legislative Affairs Committee).

(L-R) COL Steve Bond, COL Mike Borders (FCOC President); MAJ George Rosenfield (WWII Vet); and FLA Sen Tom Wright visit with the Rockledge High School Color Guard at the Cape Canaveral Chapter Luncheon on 17 August.

Congressman Bill Posey, FL-8, (Center) met with his Veteran Advisory Council on September 1st. Of note, four members of the Veterans Council are MOAACC Members—They include COL Danny McKnight, USA Ret (Far L), former USA CPT Donn Weaver (5th from L), COL Steve Bond, USA Ret (3rd from R), and LCDR Dean Schaaf, USN Ret (Far R).

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