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MOAACC Veterans helping area Veterans-in-Need


The Military Officers Association of America or MOAA, a national veterans service organization comprised of military officers and their spouses, and their charitable arm, The MOAA Foundation, (website:, provided grants totaling nearly $90,000 to 33 of their affiliates across the country to aid veterans-in-need. The Cape Canaveral Chapter of MOAA (MOAACC), one of MOAA’s largest chapters, was awarded one of the Outreach Grants for $3,750 to assist veterans in our area. To identify veterans-in-need and disperse the local grants, MOAACC teamed with National Veterans Homeless Support (NVHS) (website: Working with NVHS, MOAACC provided eight individual grants of approximately $500 to area veterans or their families for emergency relief, housing, and utilities payments, preventing 19 veterans and family members from becoming homeless. MOAACC began working with NVHS and distributing the grants in July, and by September, the grant money was exhausted.

The impact of the grants is both eye-opening and eye-watering:

  • A grant was provided to assist a medically discharged Army veteran, “Raven”, whose husband had lost his job due to COVID. Unable to make utility or rent payments, the family of five’s power was being cut off. The MOAACC Good Deeds Foundation provided an additional $1,500 to pay their back rent.
  • Another grant was awarded for a widow of a Navy veteran, “Donna”, who owed back taxes on her house and was unable to make payments. She was days away from having her house auctioned off. MOAACC joined with the local Elks Club, to provide funds to stop the auction--Donna said her prayers were answered!

“This seemed like a small thing we were doing, but it made a huge impact in the lives of these veterans and their families.”
Colonel Mike Schroeder, US Army Retired, MOAACC Treasurer

  • Army Veteran, “Bryant”, was in a hit- and run-accident while walking in a crosswalk, causing multiple fractures to his leg. He was unable to work or make rent payments. He received a grant to pay his low-income veterans housing rent during his recovery.
  • Navy Veteran, “Raquia”, a single mother of two young children was out of work and behind on rent payments. She had recently found a job but was unable to catch-up on the back rent for her low-income veteran’s housing.
  • “Kevin”, a 100% Disabled-Service Connected USAF veteran, recently moved to the area with his fiancé for her to find a job here. They were living in a hotel and completely depleted their savings. The VFW Post in Melbourne paid to extend their hotel stay, NVHS found them low-income housing, and the MOAA grant paid their move-in deposits.
  • Navy veteran “Dennis”, a low-income veteran living in a VA subsidized housing, was unable to pay his electric bill. He has several medical issues that require frequent VA medical appointments. His car had also broken down and he was paying for taxis and friends for transportation to his appointments. NVHS arranged for Mission United to pay for his car repairs. The MOAA funds paid his electric bill.
  • Navy Veteran “John” lost his job and he and his wife were unable to make the mortgage payments on their house and make utility payments. The MOAA grant went to pay for their utilities.
  • Navy Veteran “Tony” was past due with his rent and was being evicted from an RV Park. Tony’s fiancé was working, but they fell behind in rent when her hours were cut due to COVID. The MOAA grant went to assist them in paying their overdue rent.

Each of the grant recipient’s veteran status and need was validated and each has a Veterans Administration (VA) Case Worker assigned. They all expressed their thanks for the generosity and assistance. What is telling is the MOAA Grant money was expended in just three short months. From the census, there are approximately 4,000 of Brevard County’s 70,000 veterans living below the poverty level. NVHS is key in providing emergency aid and does this type of work all year round--conducting fundraisers, obtaining donations, working with veteran, civic organizations, and with the VA to validate eligibility and assign case workers--in order to assist veterans needing assistance. Last year, NVHS provided about $50,000 of this type of assistance to area veterans. The work they do is truly amazing.

“We thank the MOAA Foundation for this grant to aid local veterans and NVHS for the work they do for our brother and sister veterans. The MOAA motto is ‘Never Stop Serving’ and this is one way we demonstrate that”, said Colonel Steve Bond, US Army Retired and the President of MOAACC. Last year, the Cape Canaveral Chapter’s charitable activities donated nearly $100,000 to area veterans, active serving military families, and military oriented students. To find out more about MOAACC, visit their website at If you know of a veteran in our area needing assistance, have them contact National Veterans Homeless Support (NVHS) at

Photos & Captions (Note: Veteran Photo Release is on file with MOAACC):

Photo 1: Colonel Steve Bond, President of MOAACC (Center Right) with other MOAACC Members present a Certificate of Appreciation and Chapter Coin to George Taylor Jr., President and CEO of NVHS (Center), for NVHS’s work with area veterans-in-need.

Photo 2: MOAACC Meets with Veteran “Raven”

(L-R) Colonel Steve Bond, USA Retired, President MOAACC; “Raven” (Army Veteran); Colonel Mike Schroeder, MOAACC Treasurer; Lt Col Brian Whalen, MOAACC 2nd Vice President.

Photo 3: MOAACC & NVHS Staff Representatives meet with Vets “Donna” and “Bryant”.

(L-R) Front: Kasey Corson, NVHS Office Manager; Jan Taylor, NVHS Housing Coordinator; “Donna” (Navy Vet Widow); Jennifer Taylor, NVHS Program Director; Steve Bond (Pres MOAACC). Rear: Mike Schroeder (MOAACC Treasurer), “Bryant” (Army Vet).

Photo 4: MOAACC & NVHS Staff Representatives with Vets “Dennis” & “Tony”.

(L-R) “Dennis” (US Navy Vet), Mike Schroeder (Treasurer MOAACC), Brian Whalen (2nd VP MOAACC), Ken Lowe (1st VP MOAACC), Jennifer Taylor (NVHS Prog Dir), “Tony” (Navy Vet), Steve Bond (Pres MOAACC), Kasey Corson (NVHS Office Manager), George Taylor Jr. (NVHS President/CEO),


The Military Officers Association of America Cape Canaveral Chapter (MOAACC) is an affiliate of the national Military Officers Association of America (MOAA). MOAA and affiliates are nonprofit veterans’ organization dedicated to maintaining a strong national defense and ensuring our nation keeps its commitments to currently serving, retired and former members of the uniformed services, their families, and survivors. Membership is open to those who hold or have ever held a warrant or commission in any of the Uniformed Services or their surviving spouse. MOAA and its affiliates are nonpartisan organizations.
Located in Brevard County, Florida, the Cape Canaveral chapter is the largest chapter in MOAA with over 1200 members. MOAACC supports MOAA’s aims at the national and local level, engages in philanthropy by providing direct support—monetarily and with volunteer hours—to local military, veterans, and their families, and is a social organization sponsoring activities for members. For more information, visit our website at


Media Contacts
Marilyn Sanford


CPT Donn Weaver, USA Former
