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Proposed MOAACC Bylaw Changes for Vote at the November General Membership Business Meeting
The proposed changes to the MOAACC bylaws are intended to solidify the processes in the selection of the Presidents of the MOAACC Scholarship Corporation and the Good Deeds Foundation. On 18 October 2021, the MOAACC Board of Directors approved this change for general membership approval. Once approved, we will further define the selection processes within the MOAACC Handbook. Click Here for the current, approved bylaws. Proposed change is as follows:
Bylaws, Article VIII Officers, para 5, last two sentences read:
“The President shall appoint the President of The Good Deeds Foundation and the President of The Scholarship Corporation. The Board of Directors must approve, by majority vote, the President’s appointments to these critical positions.”
Replacement of the last two sentences should read:
“The Board of Directors of each respective MOAACC 501c3 will nominate a President for their respective organizations (i.e., President of The MOAACC Good Deeds Foundation and the President of The MOAACC Scholarship Corporation) for a one-year term of office; multiple terms are allowed, as long as this process is followed annually. Each 501c3 will present their respective nominations annually to the MOAACC President for consideration. In turn, the MOAACC President will present those nominations to the MOAACC Board of Directors. The Board of Directors must approve, by majority vote, the President’s nominations to these critical positions.”
Full revision of paragraph 5. should read as follows:
5. The President shall be the principal elective officer of the corporation, shall preside at meetings of the corporation and of the Board of Directors, and shall be a member ex-officio with right to vote at any committee meetings except the Nominating Committee. At the annual meeting and at such other times deemed proper, the President shall communicate to the corporation or to the Board of Directors such information or proposals that would promote the welfare and increase the usefulness of the corporation. The President shall appoint a Chaplain. The Board of Directors of each respective MOAACC 501c3 will nominate a President for their respective organizations (i.e., President of The MOAACC Good Deeds Foundation and the President of The MOAACC Scholarship Corporation) for a one-year term of office; multiple terms are allowed, as long as this process is followed annually. Each 501c3 will present their respective nominations annually to the MOAACC President for consideration. In turn, the MOAACC President will present those nominations to the MOAACC Board of Directors. The Board of Directors must approve, by majority vote, the President’s nominations to these critical positions.
Thank you for your continued support to MOAACC. We look forward to seeing you at our annual membership business meeting. CLICK HERE for details and to RSVP.