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MOAA Council of Florida Chapters 47th Annual Convention in Daytona Beach
Former Cape Canaveral Chapter Presidents are Council President & Vice President
MOAA Members representing Florida’s 39 Chapters, including members from Georgia and Tennessee gathered in Daytona Beach from May 13th -15th for the MOAA Florida Council of Chapters (FCoC) 47th Annual Convention. The Cape Canaveral Chapter was well represented and recognized. General Gary North (USAF-Retired), Chairman of the Board of MOAA attended the Convention. He provided a MOAA update, presented the Levels of Excellence Awards and Harris Communications Awards to Chapters receiving these distinctions, and installed the newly elected Council Officers into their positions.
Convention Highlights:
- Newly elected/installed Florida Council leaders included our very own Chapter Past President (2021) Steve Bond, as the President of the Council, and John Murphy, Chapter Past President (2001) as the Council Vice President. CDR Pat Kluever (USN Ret), moved from the President of the Council to Immediate Past President. MAJ Lorraine Holland (USA Ret) was re-installed to continue as the East Central Florida Area Vice President, the area that includes Cape Canaveral Chapter.
- Our Chapter received its 2023 Five Star MOAA Chapter Levels of Excellence Award and Harris Communications Awards for the Newsletter and Website from General North. Chapter President Rick Kniseley and The Intercom Associate Editor Rita Shapiro received the awards for the Chapter at the Convention. Our Chapter has received these awards of distinction from MOAA every year since they started recognizing chapters for excellence in communicating with members.
Look for more information on the Convention in FCoC’s June Council Communiqué. Pictures and presentations from the convention can be found on the Florida Council Website (
Caption: Convention Program Cover
Caption: General Gary North (USAF-Ret), Chairman of the Board of MOAA (Foreground) installs the new officers of the Florida Council of the Military Officers Association of America into their positions. Newly installed officers are from L-R: Colonel Gary Nolan (USAF-Ret), SW Area/Cape Coral; Colonel Joe Napoli (USA-Ret), SE Area VP/Miami; Major Lorraine Holland (USA-Ret), East-Central Area VP/Orlando; Colonel John Murphy (USA-Ret), Council Vice President; Colonel Steve Bond, Council President, and the Outgoing Council President Commander Pat Kluever/Fleet Landing.
Caption: Newly installed Council President of the Florida Military Officers Association of America, Colonel Steve Bond (Center) with Council Vice President Colonel John Murphy (L), and Outgoing Council President Commander Pat Kluever (R) at the State Convention in Daytona Beach on May 15th. Bond and Murphy are Past Presidents of the Cape Canaveral Chapter of MOAA—the largest chapter in MOAA.
Caption: Presentation of Cape Canaveral LOE and Harris Communications Awards. L-R: General Gary North. Rick Kniseley, Rita Shapiro, Lorraine Holland (EC Area VP), and Pat Kluever (Council President).
Caption: MOAACC Member reunion with Volusia County Resident and Chapter Member Gloria Makowski at the Convention. L-R: Steve Bond, Gloria, John Murphy, Liz Whalen, Brian Whalen, Rosa Reich, and Rita Shapiro.
Caption: John and Cathy McMahon (Center) at the Convention Military Ball and Installation Ceremony on June 15th.
Photos Courtesy of Florida Council of MOAA